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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,*daylia* BS: Coffee (132* d) RE: BS: Coffee 12 Dec 05

I buy big tins of President's Choice "Great Canadian Coffee". Every morning I mix it with a tablespoon or two of hazelnut flavoured special grind, wait impatiently while the house fills with that intoxicating aroma, pour it into a HUGE mug with a teaspoon of sugar and voila!. Ahh, life is sooooo good .... as my dad always said, it's the "nectar of the gods".

I'll never forget getting off the plane at the Paris airport (Paris France, that is). Eight hour flight, chaperoning five dozen teenage exchange students, eyeballs barely open ... man I needed a coffee! Nervoulsy managed to get the message across to the guy working at a coffee counter there (like how hard can it be? "Cafe, s'il vous plait") waited impatiently while he shuffled around - then he handed me this TINY little cup filled with, um, molasses???   I said "Mais non, cafe, s'il vous plait!" ... and he pushed the cup toward me again with a shake of the head "C'est ca!"

So, in France, THIS is coffee??? I paid for it, tried to drink it, gave up. Egads, talk about making hair grow on your chest! That expresso stuff is deadly, just couldn't take it ... and after 10 days in France, I was callin out for Tim Hortons in my sleep! OR even Maxwell House, or Folgers. Good ole Folgers, with a double shot of milk nad sugar ...

ANyways, gotta go. Coffee's ready!

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