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Michael K. Origins of Fingerpicking (16) Origins of Fingerpicking 14 Jan 00

This is a subject Rick Fielding and I discussed several weeks ago, but I would be interested if any other informed 'Catters can enlighten me on this I am interested in finding out how it all began.

I know all about Blind Blake, Rev. Gary Davis, Mance Lipscomb, John Hurt, and many many others who popularized this style of music in the 20s and 30s......but where did they get it from? Who were THEIR mentors?.....Who were the true pioneers of this style of ragtime and country blues fingerpicking? How did it all start?...and how did it evolve into the styles of some of the gentlemen I've previously mentioned?

Hopefully this hasn't been covered here before (couldn't find anything in searching the threads), and other ''enquiring minds'' might want to know as well.

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