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GUEST,Slipt Lyr Add: 11:20 (from Colors) (3) Lyr Req: Requesting song name and artist. 24 Dec 05

I wrote down all the lyrics listening to this song. I just need to know who sings it, and the title. I had no luck searching Google.

Pobitry silent, 11:20, plenty late.
Tied up in my home quiet, too long, too long to have to wait

Do I know her? Not anymore, she's someone else's tonight.
Sweet shining beautiful in someone else's arms tonight.

Time told its secret, that she'd move on, that she'd be free.
Taken away from this deception, of living, living in love with me.
Wrapped up like a package it was, oh, so nice-nice.
She and me and the to be, instead of feeling sorry I feel sick tonight but,

This change is for the better; she'll move on and find better weather.

9 minutes passed; the time that went by, went by too fast.

Too good to be true, too wrong, so wrong to let it last
Do I know her? Not anymore. She's someone else's tonight
Sweet shining beautiful in someone else's arms
Do I know her? Not anymore. She's someone else's tonight
Sweet shining beautiful in someone else's arms
Do I know her? Not anymore. She's someone else's tonight
Sweet shining beautiful in someone else's arms
Do I know her? Not anymore she's someone else's tonight
Sweet shining beautiful in someone else's arms.

There ya go. Help me out!

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