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GUEST,Dale Tech: Recording Streaming Radio Audio? (9) RE: Tech: Recording Streaming Radio Audio? 27 Dec 05

Uncle Jaque, no help from here beyond what others have given, but here is a station for your listening pleasure.

CIHS (Wetaskiwin, Alberta) is a Christian based radio station playing a mix of old-time country songs that are pre-1970's. You'll hear from artists such as Roy Acuff,Red Sovine, Mel Tillis, Ferlin Husky, Porter Wagner, Patsy Cline, Loretta Lynn, and many more!

CIHS is also a gospel music station with a mix of southern gospel and positive country with some bluegrass sounds.

Above is copied from their site, I just added the (Wetaskiwin, Alberta). A very Canadian flavor mixed in, as you would expect. Biggest problem I have with them is the lack of ID. I have struggled at times to figure out the name of something I liked very much.

You'll think you stepped back in time when you hear CIHS.

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