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Pixie Confidence/lack of, in 'Your own' Songs. (42) RE: Confidence/lack of, in 'Your own' Songs. 16 Jan 00

I'm no musician (3 chord wonder....wonder if I can play that in 3 chords?), singer or songwriter but sometimes just HAVE to write. My real job requires me to push a lot of paper but there's not too much creativity there. I have written a very few songs and almost throw up when I play them in front of anybody, particularly family. I feel SO vulnerable and naked....matter of fact, I'd probably rather BE naked in front of them....when playing I shake so much I miss strings and notes. BUT sometimes I just have to put it out there all the time wishing I could sing or play better. Reading this thread scares me even more if vetrans and accomplished musicians such as yourselves still go through the angst of creating and performing but it is also gratifying to know that those feelings may be a major part of the process!(talk about rambling...)

...and George if you read this I HOPE to see you tonight at Sounds Like Sunday....

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