We in the USA tend to think of "propaganda" as untrue data spread by totalitarian regimes to deceive their own citizens. But this country has a propaganda of sorts in all of the "freedom' and "best nation on earth" crowing that we've all grown up with. For instance, much ado is made about our government of, by and for the people, but if we look at reality that certainly isn't always the case, to say the least. "The best government money can buy" is probably closer to the truth. It's interesting to me that my email pal in Finland seems to have the benefit of more comprehensive and less-biased news and media coverage than I. And while I continually complain about taxes and the shrinking American middle class, she seldom writes similar concerns, even though general tax rates are much higher in Finland. Perhaps it's that in Finland people get something in return from the government for their tax contributions (medical coverage and college tuition subsidies for instance), whereas here the average working person gets zilch. We (for the time-being at least) may still have more material wealth, gadgets, and (for some of us) bigger houses, but I think more and more people are forgetting how to enjoy life. Maybe that is one reason why customer service and courtesy are on the decline. "Work harder and longer, consume, buy-buy, and pay more bills are the messages we're constantly bombarded with, and are what the government seems to expect. It seems to be an ever more sterile and joyless way of life. Perhaps a month's vacation rather than 2 weeks (if you're fortunate), a shorter actual workweek, universal medical care, and a fresher diet - as enjoyed by many if not most Europeans - are better trade-offs than our so-called American abundance and may result in less stress and more smiles per capita?