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GUEST,Wordless Woman BS: What do YOU wear on your head? (169* d) ADD: Where Did You Get That Hat^^^ 06 Jan 06

Here's a song - well, lyrics anyway - to everyone who wears a hat:

Where Did You Get That Hat - Jas. Rolmaz 1901

Where did you get that hat
Where did you get that tile
Isn't it a knobby one
In just the proper style
I should like to have one
Just the same as that
(Where 'ere i go they shout)
"Hello, where did you get that hat?"

Now how I came to get this hat
Is very strange and funny
My uncle died and left to me
His property and money
And when the will it was read out
They told me straight and flat
If I'm to have his money I must also wear his hat


When I go to the concert hall
In the concert season
Someone's is sure to shout at me
Without the slightest reason
When I go to the opera hall
To have a jolly spree
There's one or two sopranos
Who are sure to shout at me
"Hello where did you get that hat?"


When Mr. And Mrs. Ramsbottom
Had their last garden party
I was amongst the guests,
Who had a welcome true and hearty.
The Prince of Wales was also there,
And my heart jumped with glee,
When someone said the prince
Would like to have a word with me,
"Hello, where did you get that hat?"^^^

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