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Joe Richman Lyr Req: We Didn't Know (Paxton) & protest songs (40) RE: protest song from the 60s (We Didn't Know - Pa 21 Jan 06

Earlier in this thread, someone said that Fidel Castro outlawed boxing in Cuba. Not true. He outlawed professional boxing for prize money, but continued a boxing program for "amateur" athletics (i.e. the Olympics, etc.).

Here is a quote from an internet history of Cuban boxing:

"Like all Communist regimes, Cuba scouted talent at a young age and channeled potential athletes into state-sponsored athletic schools. "I didn't choose boxing," said Cuban defector Juan Carlos Gomez in a recent interview. "They chose it for me in Cuba. I wanted to become a baseball player. That was always my dream. But, you know, in Cuba you are not allowed to make your own decisions." "

Teofilo Stevenson was a well-known Cuban Heavyweight amateur who dominated the amatuer sport back in the '70s. So Fidel's Cuba certainly is no pious anti-boxing regime.   Boxing, like all sport in Cuba, serves the state.


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