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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,David Ingerson Who's going to Rainy Camp 2006 (9) RE: Who's going to Rainy Camp 2006 30 Jan 06

What an incredible weekend! So many fine singers and delightful, significant, inspiring, beautiful songs. The level of musicianship and knowledge was very high. So was the feeling of community. And more than a handful of fine singers stayed at it, cranking the fun songs out until past 4:00 AM! (Including yrlancslad--Thanks Malcolm for another rendition of Doin' the Manch and all your other songs.)

Weather-wise, it lived up to its name, which forced people indoors and intensified the sessions.

Don't forget to sign up for Singtime Frolics, another singing weekend just a bit south of Portland (Oregon).

David Ingerson

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