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GUEST,*daylia* BS: Religion=good folk doing bad things? (626* d) RE: BS: Religion=good folk doing bad things? 01 Feb 06

The Spanish Inquisition (Wikipedia)

...The Inquisition was a religious court operated by Church authorities, but in contrast to other Inquisitions it did so under the supervision of the Spanish crown. If a person was found to be heretical, they were turned over ("relaxed") to the secular authorities to be punished, since "the Church does not shed blood". Torture was often used to gain confessions. Punishments ranged from public shame (dressing in the sambenito) to burning at the stake. Burning at the stake was carried out after death by garroting (strangulation) for those who repented; burning alive was for the unrepentant; and in effigy for those condemned in absentia ...

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