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Bardford BS: OH NO! Libs loosing in Canuckistan (237* d) RE: BS: OH NO! Libs loosing in Canuckistan 06 Feb 06

Here's the CBC Talking about Emerson's big switcheroo:

In changing parties, he followed the example of former Conservative MP Belinda Stronach, who crossed the floor last year to become a Liberal cabinet minister.

At that time, Harper said:

"We don't go out of our way to romance MPs to get them to cross the floor. Liberals will do anything to win.

"We are trying to create a principled party where people act in a principled way, and obviously we're fairly cautious about encouraging party jumping, because that's the kind of thing that generates cynicism.

"And frankly, when someone jumps, once you're not sure you can trust them the next time, so I would always handle that with an extraordinary degree of caution."

At least Belinda waited a couple of Mississippi's before she crossed the floor - looks like yer man in Vancouver probably had his cellphone out before his election office coffee maker was packed up.

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