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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,*daylia* BS: Troll spotting (163* d) RE: BS: Troll spotting 18 Feb 06

Well if it's time for true confessions, be it known that I too log out and post as a GUEST sometimes, usually with some humourous (to me, anyway) handle. Just for fun mostly, but occasionally I've done it because I felt more comfortable posting anonymously, for whatever reason. Certain people on this site seem to make it their business to blast anything I say, just because it's me that said it. But I've discovered, over the last couple years, that it really doesn't matter what name I post under, if any -- when all's said and done I don't feel any different, and the song remains the same.

Now, how about changing keys a bit here? Let's try a few bright, uplifting major chords, for a few bars anyway! All this dissonance and doom and gloom just begs for resolution ...

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