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shepherdlass BBC 4 folk program (340* d) RE: BBC 4 folk program 19 Feb 06

Re the omission of Alistair Anderson. I think it's something about accounts that deal with a "national" scene - they tend to avoid potential anomalies. Alistair is clearly one such - part of the 60s revival but utterly respectful of source musicians and also willing to mix it up with jazzers and classical players, and to work (like Kathryn Tickell and - another omission - Pauline Cato) in educating future players. Can't fit him neatly into a trend, then.

The NE is one source of these scenes that just don't fit... Birmingham and Liverpool also had very little coverage, and the SW didn't feature much either (shots of festivals excepted). These are among the places where, although the London-based revivalists certainly had considerable influence, they didn't hold complete sway because there was already something happening there. I'm sure this goes for lots of other places too. Just like Jazz Britannia, three episodes weren't really enough to deal with it all, were they? Still glad it was made, though - just look at the debate it's encouraged.

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