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GUEST,Ritchie Origin: Blowin' in the Wind (Bob Dylan) (37) RE: Who wrote this famous Dylan song? 24 Jan 00

I heard a compilation set of what I suppose could be called 'outtakes' if there is such a word and being a Dylan fan enjoyed listening to most of them. However, the thing I enjoyed most was the sleeve notes,which had been written by JOHN BAULDIE London 1991. Personally they were the best I could ever remember reading and this was in the middle of last year 1999 !! some 8 years after they were credited to him. I enjoyed them so much that I wanted to contact Mr Bauldie to tell him so.I tried always to get in touch and then sadly I found out that John had died in a helicopter crash with the Chairman of Chelsea FC returning from a match.I remembered the report whereby Matthew Harding ,along with 'others' had sadly lost their lives. I did not know who the 'others' were and I suppose I could easily quote a line or two from Dylan to make it fit...instead.. if you ever get a chance read the sleeve notes...thank you John, you live on.

Ritchie Forster

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