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Rustic Rebel Your First song (43) RE: Your First song 22 Feb 06

Great thread Jerry. Great 1st's everyone! I read the thread below that got me thinking about my first song. Written in 1986. It's strange for me because it's kind of a country twang to it, me being the blues lovin' type.

                                                                                  3-2    Blues

   G                                    C                G       D             G            C                D               G
1. Well people I want to sing you a little song. I tell that It ain't gonna' take very long.
   G             C       G               D                            G                            C            D                G
    This is a song about the blues. And if your bettin' it's about lost love, your gonna' lose.
   G                                  C                  G                   D
    'cuz, I didn't lose my baby and I didn't lose my job
   G                C                D             G
    I didn't go broke and I ain't no slob.

             G                         C               G               D         G                            C                D    G
Chorus: I'm singing the blues and this is the point. I gotta' get myself out of this 3-2 joint.

          G                         C             G         D                                 G
Break: I'm singing the three-two blues. I must have lost my mind.
            G                      C                      G             D                   G                   C                         D             G
            This three-two beer is gonna make me blind. And I know in the morning I won't feel very kind.
            D                G
            Three-two blues.

2. Well I live right down the road from this little gin mill,
    So it ain't so far to go, when I get my fill.
    But when I wake in the morning, the world won't stay still.
    And a million brain cells, that shit did kill.


3. It's a sad situation I got myself in.
   Drinkin' this stuff should be a sin.
   But it works on my head, till I can't see
   So, why do they tell me I'm drinking skunk pee?



4. Well my story is over,
    what more can I say?
    Except this little gin mill is takin' all my pay
    And this three-two beer is gonna' take me away!


I gotta get myself out of this three-two joint   (fade out)

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