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GUEST,Piers Lyr Req: Singing for the Moon (Robb Johnson) (11) Lyr Add: BE REASONABLE (Robb Johnson) 27 Feb 06

Here we go chums:

Written and recorded by Robb Johnson on 'The Big Wheel'

We'll rehouse the homeless in Buckingham Palace,
Start at the bottom, work down to the top,
Stop the city, rebuild the forest,
Cancel the rent, & nick all the cops.
Be reasonable, demand the impossible now.

We'll turn all the motorways into canals,
Close all the Aldermastons down,
All differences equal, systems for people,
Not the other way around.
Be reasonable, demand the impossible now.

We'll spring all the animals,
And vote for the clowns in the Circus Bourgeoisie,
Where the rich sing the blues till their trousers fall down,
And then give you the price of a nice cup of tea.
Be reasonable, demand the impossible now.

Grow gardens & hospitals, playgrounds & schools,
Like sunflowers on every street,
Do what you like 'cos you like what you do,
Like autumn each year at your feet.
Be reasonable, demand the impossible now.

No master, no landlord, no flag, no guru,
No gauleiter, no commissar,
Just justice and poetry with jam on it too,
When they ask 'who's in charge here?' We all say: we are!
Be reasonable, demand the impossible now.

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