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GUEST,M.Ted BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe? (1048* d) RE: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe? 01 Mar 06

Well, first off, BillD, I never said that you were smug--I was thinking of Clint Hammond, who makes a studied point of it--

We humans understand very little of the mechanics of the universe, and even less about the nature of relationship between our inner universes and the outer one--

For the sake of arguement, let us say that, rather than having a single soul, we are a confluence of many souls--let us say that all the souls are really manifestations of one of say, twelve different overarching consciousnesses, each with a bunch of subsets. And let us say that, by contractual arrangement with the creator of the universe, the mix of souls in each human is dictated by the position of the planets at the moment of conception.

Now the question is, supposing for a moment that this were true, how would we ever figure it out?
We, as humans, wouldn't be in a position to be able to see it happening--no means of measuring, and of course, no idea what it was we'd have to measure in the first place. Our minds would probably be unable to conceptualize the mechanism, because it would be so complex.

So the system of order would be there, but, because of our narrow perspective and limited information processing capacity, it would be obvious to us that nothing was going on at all--

As I am fond of saying, "All I know is, everything you know is wrong!"

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