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GUEST,*daylia* BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe? (1048* d) RE: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe? 05 Mar 06

PS   Sorry that last post is so long. I'm really not trying to convince you of anything even if it appears otherwise, Bagpuss. You are most welcome to your own opinions and judgements - they has nothing to do with me, or even with astrology (I say this not out of disrespect but because you know so little about it).

I can and often do get carried away studying astrology though, for days on end even -- it's a fascinating and seemingly infinite source of information, insight, and discovery. To me. (not to mention a great way to snoop on people too ;-)

And all of this has nothing to do with you Bagpuss, except that you've given me new astrological "data" to observe and explore. So, thanks!

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