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GUEST,*daylia* BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe? (1048* d) RE: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe? 05 Mar 06

I'm not trying to convince you, Bagpuss. ANd I did know that the "experiment" was silly, anyway, being based only on the first 2 (very general sections_ of a computer report, your own personal opinions (which are obviously biased AGAINST astrology) and an inaccurate birthtime. But I went along with it anyway, because I just love astrology, and looking at new material. It's fun!

I asked about your partner because according to your chart, your "Descendant" (the 7th house cusp, directly opposite the Ascendant, said to indicate partnerships and marriage) is in Taurus. However, it's on the very cusp of Taurus (lemme look again ... yup, 1 Taurus 10').

So, if you were actually born before 9 am (say, at 8:45), that 15 minute difference moves your Ascendant to 29 Libra, and your Descendant to 29 Aries. Curious -- is he an Aries?

I'm asking because the Descendant is one of many places on my own chart that IS highly accurate. With Gemini Rising, my Descendant is in Sagittarius. WEll, I've been 'married' three times so far -- and and two out of three of those partners -- in fact, the fathers of my children -- are both Sagittarians. (And I knew nothing about astrology till years later, though, or I might have made different choices!)

I also have dear ole 'malefic' Saturn sitting plunk in the middle of my 7th house -- the house of partnerships. And I have suffered extreme limitations and sorrow through my relationships in this life. None of them lasted more than 5 years. I'm single now, and loving it, and I've finally learned to accept my troubles with "significant others" with philosophical resignation.

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