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GUEST,*daylia* BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe? (1048* d) RE: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe? 07 Mar 06

"Cos I said so"?

Gervase, those are your words, not mine.

I know about astrology I know - and yes, I do mean know! :0) - through (in order of importance) a lifetime of ongoing, direct physical first-hand observation, experience and study (ie 'intellectual rigour').
Apply yourself to the study of it in like manner, and you will eventually know everything you want to know about it.

Oh yeah ... I remember. You ALREADY know everything there is to know about it via your own ignorance, inexperience, preconceptions, biases and carefully selected scholarly peer reviews. Hmmm ... this is probably how every pothole already knows it all about everything there is to know.

Hey, maybe I'll write my thesis on pothole psychology, just for fun! You folk would make the most excellent of subjects, too.

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