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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Bassic BS: site review-handcrafted Nepalese clothing (34) RE: BS: site review-handcrafted Nepalese clothing 10 Mar 06

Nice stuff! I found the text easy to read and the colours were fine for my eyes though I apreciate that can be an individual thing. In quite a few places there are , and . where the capital letter of the next sentence follows imediately on without a space. The usual convention is to leave one space. Also, as reported above, there are several places where one lot of txt overwrites another. I have tried it usung all the browsers that I have on my PC, I.E, Firefox, Opera and Netscape and they all have the same problem , but often in different places! In fact the page layour was LEAST stable in I.E with top and side page borders overlapping each other and the like.

I am affraid I do not have the technical know how to tell you what to do to correct these problems but most of the websites I visit seem to load and run ok on this PC either in Firefox or IE so I dont think it is a problem with how I have it set up. Hope this helps.

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