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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Dave'sWife sans cookie BS: Looking for a dog (81* d) RE: BS: Looking for a dog 15 Mar 06

I second the recommendation to go to a Breed Rescue. I got both my last 2 dogs from German Shepherd Rescue and I couldn't have done better. Breed rescues truly care about their breed and go round to various kill shelters pulling out good pure-breds without health issues or behavior defects hoping to place them with a lover of that breed. I started out fostering both dogs and kept them both. One was an elderly dog and one a puppy.

The advantage to fostering is that the breed Rescue will cover most routine Vet Care until you decide that you will keep the dog. If you stay as a foster parent, they usually pick up all vet expenses if that is an issue for you. I adopted both relatively quickly and never took them up on that but it's something to consider. This way, if your heart could stand it, you could even consider fostering an older dog of about 7 or 8 that might otherwise be stuck at the Rescue. That was my thinking the first time I went to German Shepherd Rescue.

If you want a puppy, they have them too. You could get a dog that would ordinarily cost $800 to $1000 American for a $100 donation. Sometimes, they are just thrilled to have you take the dog and waive adoption fees.

Best of luck to you. When you get your new Puppy, please start a silly puppy thread so thosew of us who like to gush over baby dogs can do all of our requisite gushing!

(Hey Sooz? How's Meg?)

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