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GUEST,Dale 'It's all right to like...' (106* d) RE: 'It's all right to like...' 21 Mar 06

Well, it is certainly OK to watch RFD-TV!

Here are just a few that I have enjoyed watching the last couple of years

Porter, didn't seem like anyone had more fun (Howdy, Neighbor, Howdy!)
Dolly, Now there's a couple of big ones . . . Porter and Dolly, that is
Wilburn Brothers, ran Porter a close second on having a good time
Loretta, when country was country
Sam & Kirk McGee, guitar wizards, short on talk
Maybelle and Sara Carter, nothing else to say, is there?
Chet Atkins, played like you'd expect Chet to play and even sang one
Senator Robert Byrd, fiddlin' away
Little Wendy Holcomb, played banjo and guitar with flair and flash,sadly left us too soon
Del Reeves, ah, That Girl on the Billboard!
Becky Schlegel, Minnesota girl who isn't a star, but should be
Don Williams, before he got his hat

Charlie Waller, Jimmie Davis, Grandpa Jones, Ramona Jones, Faron Young, Stringbean, Lefty Frizzell, Don Bowman, Michael Martin Murphey, Hank Snow, The Whites, The Browns, The Martins (Gospel singers from Arkansas),Baxter Black, Bill Monroe, Webb Pierce, well, you get the picture. That's not even counting the tractors, trains, horses and mules, FFA kids, even the Mean Farmer, though I have not seen him lately.

Yep, it's OK to watch RFD-TV. I even tell people I watch it.

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