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GUEST,*daylia* BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe? (1048* d) RE: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe? 28 Mar 06

Then there's the exciting prospect of an entire new industry based on genetic research and manipulation. Can't you just see it all now ....

Order your genetically enhanced custom "Designer" Zygote today, and save 50% on your first 10 litres of hormonally enriched growth-enhancing *HY-CORN INFANT FORMULA!"

Or how about "Need a new kidney, heart, spleen? No more waiting and hoping! Come, view and select your donor from our pristine laboratories today! Our critically-acclaimed selection of healthy living semi-humans are created, designed, cloned and maintained using only the very latest in genetic technology to meet *your* personal medical needs ..."

*sigh*    maybe a vodka with my scientist friends would make everything look brighter. But I doubt it. I can't stand vodka.

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