You have your Blackwall hitch, and your Carrick bend. A Sheepshank and a Cat's-paw. The Fisherman's knot and a Rolling hitch. Slipknot, Granny knot and a Cow hitch. The Figure eight, a Timber hitch, the Turk's head and a Square knot. How about an Overhand/thumb knot, a Clove hitch and the Bowline. There's the Stevedore's knot, the Surgeon's knot, the Seizing and the Matthew Walker. The Blackwall hitch, Half hitch, The Rolling hitch, and a True-lover's knot.
You could also have a knot in a tree, a knot on your head, a Gordian Knot or care (k)not about any of this.
Hello MOAB LOVELYS! Good-day.