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GUEST,M.Ted BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe? (1048* d) RE: BS: zodiac/star signs.. do you believe? 09 Apr 06


" explained in terms of interpretaition, co-incidence, and the placebo effect."--none of those constitute explanations--i.e., if you say, "Oh, that's the placebo effect!", it doesn't explain anything, because the placebo effect is unexplained. If you say, "That's a just a co-incidence!", it means that that the fact that these things coincided is an explanation of the fact that they happened at the same time--in other words, circular logic--

"interpretation" is begging the question, because it is simply saying, "Well, that's what *you* think!"--

The real issue is that the movement of the stars and the planets can be quantified and qualified, but the interior movements of the human mind cannot--

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