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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Lily at School BS: How to run folks off???... (27) RE: BS: How to run folks off???... 12 Apr 06


   The only way to ensure that your neighbors aren't jerks is to not have any. Seriously. My husband and I prefer to not have folks too close to us so we planted ourselves smack dab in the middle of 27 acres. We have neighbors, but they are a good 10-15 minute walk away. We have our space, our privacy and good neighbors should we feel like visitin', playin' (our one neighbor is a tremendous singer and guitar player) or lending a helping hand as is done on this mountain. If you it really bothers you, I'd say try to avoid sub-dividing if possible. You never know who can be real jerks until you get to know them a's just the reality of getting to know anyone.   


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