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GUEST,Gordie 'The Pair Extraordinaire' - know 'em? (38) RE: 'The Pair Extraordinaire' - know 'em? 12 Apr 06

I remember the Pair very well. I was in college in ellensburg, wa in 1968 when they played there. They were "just the warm up" for the posso seeker singers (sp?) At that time they had a big hit (the posso seekers) --I can't remember the hits name,but after hearing the Pair perform they really bombed (even with the hit song) people were still high on just seeing the Pair perform and they did bring the house down. They were signed up that night to come the next year. I went to that one too. They sang several songs that were great, but the one I remember most and just loved was One Two Three-I have two of there albums, but I don't think they recourded ONE TWO THREE.

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