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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Polly Squeezebox Fox and Hounds 2006 (137* d) RE: Fox and Hounds 2006 25 Apr 06

Cats, shame on you!!! I guess you can claim exemption this year because you've been ill - but i've never seen or heard any evidence of your going up to the top of the tor.

Now, the speciality cheese shop in the local town, or back home to feed the cats, or to the florists to buy flowers for the landlady. or back home to get the forgotten Bendigo, or get a spare tankard because Jacquie forgot to pack Brian's ... etc., etc. Yes, you've done all those. Admitted you don't need an excuse this year to get out of it - but you better have a good excuse next year!

What about the 'dog' show this year? Do Jack and Zak finally get to win the lookalike owner and dog class?


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