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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
alanww Holmfirth Festival of Folk TWO (238* d) RE: Holmfirth Festival of Folk TWO 01 May 06

Hello squeezeboxhp
So you play box for KRDs, eh, ie the men who I got out of the Swan at Upton FF in order to show everyone some propper dancing?
I have just had a very nice day dancing Cotswold and playing for Shakespeare MM, on a tour with Ilmington, Chipping Campden & Pebworth MM. Malcolm Smith of your days gone past was there, along with another of your ex-men as a guest (was his name Richard? - I'm terrible on names)! Malcolm told the "Battle of Hastings" in the pub after breakfast and said that the money from being Treasurer of KRDs had all been spent and p*ss*d down the drain!!!
Look forward to seeing you again at Holmfirth FF. Great if you could get Bradshaw Mummers to come too - pity I couldn't persuade our mummers to come aswell!
"Come fill up your glasses ...!"

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