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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Rustic Rebel BS: The Mother of all BS threads (59141* d) RE: BS: The Mother of all BS threads 01 May 06

So how high do your balls bounce Rapaire? And when you drop them from forehead height does it....Oh forget that..I don't even want to really know!

The MOTHER Got Balls by Gettemwhile Yewcan.

So what's up folks? I stay away for a week and you forget about me? My name doesn't rhyme with anything or what? Gee-whiz and golly snickit. I notice even the Rev. Billy Ray or what ever he called himself, left Bee-dubya and me out of his redeeming rehabilitation quest to purify the MOAB. We must be the puritans around here!
Yes that's it!

Rustically Rebel and Bee-Dubya-ell
They are pure and won't go to hell!
They like to bullshit and some tales they do tell
Damn those two, sure are swell...ed!

Yours true-Rustically Rebelish
PS-If anyone was wondering-I am not the Rev. Ray- I do have some dignity!
PS again- I'm once again heading to Fargo in the morn-My quest for the rings continues without falter.

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