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GUEST,*daylia* BS: No Offense Meant, But... (107* d) RE: BS: No Offense Meant, But... 10 May 06

Profanity and "bathroom talk" (including continuous references to various physical functions, secretions, fluids etc) never fails to turn me off. WHen I come across it here on Mudcat, I usually just skip that post. After 25 years of raising 3 verbose and energetic boys singlehandedly, believe me, my tolerance level and/or any inclination to see foul language as harmless, fun or funny is worn down to nuthin. NO doubt some will consider this highly intolerant and offensive, but so sorry -- only the linguistically, developmentally and/or socially challenged use profanity or bathroom talk on a regular basis. IMO.

The Japanese have an interesting take on "foul language" ... Apparently they approach it cautiously because of beliefs in "Kotodama" or 'word spirits':

Kotodama appear when spoken, written, or even thought and they can easily be "tainted" with ill intentions and evil spirits. Even today, Japanese avoid words that imply harm to keep away tainted evil Kotodama. This, of course, can be reversed to bring about harm to someone or something, and common everyday words are used profanely in this case.

HA! Mudcat is probably just swarming with 'em by now. Hey, maybe we should hire an exorcist, Kotodammit all!    :-D

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