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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
harpmaker BS: malware (40) RE: BS: malware 10 May 06

Yes i tried that, but system is that infected that it cant go to a restore point.
I ran 'SPYBOT' and this got rid of a load of crap. Its a free programme, but they ask for a donation.
I ran 'Advanced spyware remover', and this got rid of loads and loads of spyware/adware/malware/ etc.
You can download and run/clean it free, once, then i think you have to pay. Fair enough when you see how much crap it gets rid off.
My computer now is far better now. (Although not perfect) From a machine that was bereley inoperable (it used to take 3 goes to get it started, and then it would crash!) to a machine that starts up ok, and works like it should do apart from the odd glitch (i can live with that) we have sucsses, touch wood.
Can someone do the blickys for above sites, as I need my bed now after all that.
Anyone experiencing malware/spyware problems, should try the sites above. Its quite time consuming, but be patient, its worth it.
night night Zzzzzzzzzz.

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