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CeltArctic Lyr Req: Songs about deportation to Australia. (46) Lyr Add: THE FEMALE TRANSPORT 25 May 06

My votes go to Jim Jones and The Female Transport. Frankie Armstrong sings a great version of the latter:

Come all young girls both far and near and listen unto me
While unto you I do relate what proved my destiny
Me mother died when I was young which caused me to deplore
And made me find me way too soon all on me native shore.

Sarah Collins is me name and dreadful is me fate
Me father reared me tenderly the truth I do relate
'Til enticed by bad company along with many more
Which led to my discovery all on me native shore.

Me trial it approached fast and before the Judge I stood
And when that he the sentence passed it fairly chilled me blood
Crying "you must be transported for fourteen years or more
And make haste, without delay, unto Van Dieman's shore."

It hurt me heart when in the coach me native town passed by
To see so many I did know it fairly made me cry
Then to the ship I went with speed along with many more
Whose aching hearts did grieve to go all on Van Dieman's shore.

They chained two by two and whipped and lashed us all along
They cut off our provisions if we did the least thing wrong
They marched us in the burning sun until our feet were sore
So hard our lot not we have got all on Van Dieman's shore.

We labour hard from morn 'til night until our bones do ache
Then every one we must obey our mouldy beds to make
We often wish when we lie down that we might rise no more
To face our savage governors all on Van Dieman's shore.

So come young men and maidens, a warning take by me:
If tongue could tell our overthrow t'would make your hearts to bleed
You girls I pray be ruled by me your wicked ways give o'er
For fear you end your days like me all on Van Dieman's shore.

Moira Cameron

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