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GUEST,Sori BS: Jesus as mythic god like Zeus (275* d) RE: BS: Jesus as mythic god like Zeus 28 May 06

Don, you might want to have a look at the book 'The Pagan Christ' by Canadian Tom Harpur. He is an Anglican journalist from Toronto. Former priest, Rhodes scholar, Prof of New Testament at University of Toronto's Theology school.

We seem to mostly agree, except I would not agree that the man now known as Jesus Christ, ever existed.

Little Hawk, I didn't understand you meant the 19th c. Indian mystic, usually referred to in conversations like this as 'Ramakrishna'.

After all, there is 'The Rama'--14th c Jewish mystic, Balarama--Krishna's brother...

So Little Hawk, it seems from what you have written here, that you deeply believe all these mythic characters are actual historic persons? Would I be correct to assume that?

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