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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Sori BS: Jesus as mythic god like Zeus (275* d) RE: BS: Jesus as mythic god like Zeus 28 May 06

All I attempted to do with this thread, BTW, was change the context of the discussion from the Julius Caesar/Jesus thread for the purpose of taking a new track.

I didn't attack anyone. I didn't demean anyone or anyone's religion. I merely stated my beliefs.

I'll leave the job of attacking others to the perpetually paranoid posters of Mudcat, who have found their way to this thread and now seek to piss all over the messenger by making specious claims about my identity or that I am merely posting to attack Christians.

This thread sprang from a related thread about Christianity. That shouldn't be all that difficult to suss out, now should it?

Seems some of you need to chill.

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