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GUEST,Sori BS: Jesus as mythic god like Zeus (275* d) RE: BS: Jesus as mythic god like Zeus 28 May 06

Right, so I'm as guilty as the next now for hijacking the thread & making it about personalities contributing.

Now, back to the topic at hand.

One of the best things about 'Seven Life Lessons of Chaos' I mentioned above, is it allows us ordinary folk a way to appreciate chaos theory in lay terms, and helps us realize how chaos is the glue to the interconnectedness of all things, that allows us to go with the flow of events, to unlock creativity through heightened tolerance for ambiguity and ambivalence, to pay attention to subtlety, and finally, to act according to one's internal rhythms with integrity.

That's a LOT to accomplish with one teeny, tiny book. As you read it (if your mind is open, that is) it becomes clear that the ossification of religious ideology is what has been holding us back. We need something genuine and real that gives OUR lives meaning. Religion hasn't been able to deliver on that score for most people on the planet for the better part of two centuries now.

And with all due respect Little Hawk, switching hitters from west to east hasn't made any difference. Ossified religious ideologies are ossified religious ideologies, no matter where they originate from in a post-religious world.

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