Don, firstly I must say that I always enjoy your writing, or dictation, as it turns out, and I appreciate your temperate and intelligent contributions here. Secondly, I must fall on my sword, or its mightier cousin in the country governed by truly just men, my pen, and admit I have just bought the voice recognition programme you recommend. It was a revelation to me that here in good ol' Mudcat BS section, I have found what I hope is the answer to the big problem of my day job. I generate income by phone. I have to type a lot of stuff to document the transactions, specifications, quieries, complaints etc, which severely limits the time I'm on the phone generating income. Considering that there are chipanzees typing Shakespeare faster than I bungle two finger stabbing, it should improve business life immeasurably. Given my point of departure in this thread, and my arrival at this point, I guess I should promise not to abuse the bandwidth here with the new programme! Thank you, sir.