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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Sori BS: Balancing Mudcat and real life (116* d) RE: BS: Balancing Mudcat and real life 30 May 06

It seems that while Martin Gibson was so busy posting his hate here, no one needed to take notice of how rude the Mudcat regulars have become. I started a thread that is a stellar example of how badly behaved people are here.

It wasn't always like this.

Speaking of life out of balance, etc.

And as Dewey points out above, it is the editors who are some of the rudest people of the bunch.

Not much anyone can do about though, because when the people who run the place are this rude and ill mannered, there is no hope whatsoever for the rest of us having an effect.

The editors are always very quick to preach to others in a pot calling kettle black sort of way.

I've never spent the amount of time here that the regulars do. But still, it is just pathetic to see what this place has become.

I had high hopes things would improve if Martin Gibson left. Instead, the reality seems to be a whole group of mini-MGs now rule the roost.

Depressing, really.

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