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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Sori BS: Jesus as mythic god like Zeus (275* d) RE: BS: Jesus as mythic god like Zeus 30 May 06

And needless to say, I disagree with your opinion.

However, I will accept the apology in the spirit it is given.

As to my 'ranting'. How about you go back and read my contributions and at least make a good faith attempt to compare what you refer to as rants (and I would say were attempts to stave off the begrudgers and belittlers attacking me personally, in an effort to save the thread), to my on-topic contributions here.

Then, compare and weigh that against the contributions by:

Big Mick
Dead Horse
Dave the Gnome
Ron Davies

and the Mudcat 'humorists' who, as Clinton noted, found it necessary to interrupt the thread rudely with their clever ripostes

Big Pink Lad
Don Firth
Thomas the Rhymer

The vast majority of the above posters ONLY contributions to this thread concerned me--either my personal identity, or my personal motives.

A few of them did manage to contribute something to the thread, but then joined the lemmings attacking me personally.

Anyone discern a pattern here?


Then you are part of the problem that derailed and hijacked this thread by making it personal, behaving rudely and obnoxiously, and by opening a thread you never had any interest in to begin with, just to engage in the very tired, very outworn Mudcat bloodsport of ripping on individuals and pissing on their contributions.

WYSIWYG, you never once addressed a post to me personally. You addressed your post to "Anyone..."

Haruo, you are looking like lemming in the end as well.

Now, if I haven't managed to put this thread out of it's misery, I'm sure the rest of you will see to it that this ends as it always does in this forum.

With the departure of the person being attacked, you all swarm like locusts to begin flaming the person, yet again, in hopes of bringing them back to keep playing your destructive little game.

So have it. I expect nothing less of you. You all claim how great one another is, how wonderful a human being each other is, what a wonderful world Mudcat is.

Then you turn around on a dime and behave viciously like this.

In other words, you are all more than a bit two faced.

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