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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Rustic Rebel BS: The Mother of all BS threads (59141* d) RE: BS: The Mother of all BS threads 01 Jun 06

Said this before but the goddess mention desersves another mention.......
Blowing smoke into the smoky room, fills the sky and drifts away like a random thought.
The Goddess within can hear it all. She stoops and listens carefully.
She didn't want to miss anything. She thought she heard a giggle but missed the punchline.
I will help you if you let me.
You will help yourself if you let you.
She was in the gray zone, she could walk through the mirror if she wanted.
The smoke filled the room and she lit another cigarette.
She's stronger than she knows, she is. She just has to look into the other side of the mirror. Walk right in there, she thought. Take a look inside the inside.
The goddess was revealed just thinking about it.
The thought drifted with the smoke and twirled around the giggle. Than she remembered, she did get the punchline.

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