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GUEST,Obie BS: Where's the Global Warming (1541* d) RE: BS: Where's the Global Warming 19 Jun 06

I make no denial that Earth is warming up because that is likely true. I also believe that it will have some catastrophic effects that we have to deal with. I agree that we pollute our world and we must make every effort to stop doing so.
When I read in the promo for An Inconvenient Truth that 2005 was "the worst year ever" I ask myself "How do they know that?" Ever is a very long time and climate ebbs and flows. It is not good science to gain attention with unscientific statements like that, and it casts doubt on follow-up theories. Our way of life is in trouble because we try to control nature rather than flowing with it. If the seas rise we must move. If drought causes starvation then populations will be reduced to a sustainable level. Some other areas will see improvements and some wasteland will become fertile. We now waste huge amounts of water creating golf courses in the desert, and are building more every day. Soon we may need that water to grow food so don't buy a new set of clubs just now.

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