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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,squeezeboxhp whitby folk week 2006 (275* d) RE: whitby folk week 2006 04 Jul 06

having done the requisite 35 years coming to Whitby with small kids and now with their husbands i never found a problem with well behaved children and keeping them entertained like the dances outside the beach huts PM all you need to do is spot when they have had enough.
remember the tiddly winks at the bandstand when one of the contestants winked into a pint glass and swallowed the offending article.
as for info thanks would go to Mick Peat and Barry for organising the daily rag in the past.
this as every year Wednesday early evening the Sword teams usually meet at the pub at Beck Hole for a very informal dance out.

lunch time over head down again

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