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GUEST,aldus BS: British/American cultural differences. (130* d) RE: BS: British/American cultural differences. 14 Feb 00

This is a great thread. Canadian Cheddar is world famous, on both sides of the Atlantic. Here are some eastern Canadian versions of English... I was interested in "Dido" a word from Maine. Here, to cut the Dido is to have a fun..or be naughty. A "time" is a party, a "bungalow" is a cottage..howsagoin is all one word..."some" as in some hot, some common usage,Judas Priest and Gob shite are swear words, braces hold up your trousers, a clipe is a tattletale, scruncions are food and a dot myra is a quick wash as in "Im goin to a time at the bunglow and I'm some Dirty, think I'll have a dot Myra then go cut the Dido, eat some scruncions...hope the clipes shut up when I loosen me braces and and let down me trousers.

also , a great easter word go for a walk.

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