is an easy way to cut and paste for you. 1. Move the mouse arrow (cursor) over the URL address you want to copy and RIGHT CICK your mouse. That will AUTOMATICALLY highlight the address for you (in blue on my setup) and also open a drop down menu which includes "copy" among the options. Click on copy and its done. 2 Move your mouse arrow to where you want to paste the address that the comp has copied for you, then right click and choose "paste". Thats it, no more steps. Your computer will copy into the space the last thing that you told it to "copy". Quick and simple. No highlighting by swiping with the mouse cursor or looking in edit lists or on toolbars for "copy", its there in the mouse all the time just a right click away :-). Try and get used to right clicking on things more often, you wont do any harm, it just opens a menu, there are often lots of short cuts to useful functions available. Happy surfing :-).