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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,maryrrf BS: Money help needed (32) RE: BS: Money help needed 19 Jul 06

How much money are we talking about? Enough to tide you over for groceries and gas for a couple of weeks, or is it more serious than that? I was going to suggest selling stuff on-line, but you're already doing that. I've been doing that mostly to declutter and it does bring in a little bit. Although you will in most cases not get nearly what you paid for the stuff or what it's worth. Other suggestions - pet sitting, dog walking, odd jobs (I was strapped for cash at one point a few years ago during an unemployed spell and my neighbor paid me to clean out his mother in law's house. She had to go to a nursing home and I sorted through accumulated junk and arranged to dispose or store, and then painted and cleaned). Is it a job you need, or just quick cash for an emergency?

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