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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
CeltArctic Folklore: re 'Lady in the Water' (8) Folklore: re 'Lady in the Water' 27 Jul 06

I have been going over the story of this recent Shyamalan film. I have to admit it - despite the highly critical reviews - I quite enjoyed the film.

As a storyteller and ballad singer, I found I was really able to appreciate the folkie elements that were so integral to the story. I understand, from a limited Internet search earlier today, that the magical critters in the film were the creations of the director, who based the movie on a story he had written for his children.

My question to the group is: did Shyamalan base these creations on 'real' mythical creatures?

The Lady of the Water herself, called a Narf in the film, is very reminiscent of Selkies. She grows weak after long absence from water, and (most significantly) she can foretell the future.

The other creatures - "Scrunts" (dog-like vicious beings that can look like lumps of grass) and "Tartutics" (monkey-like beings hidden in the trees) - have mythic creature like qualities, but what they resemble, I don't know.

Any suggestions as to other potential links to folklore?


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