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Joe Richman BS: Sorry, yet another NI thread (457* d) RE: BS: Sorry, yet another NI thread 29 Jul 06

I understand the difference between Nationalist (one who favors union of NI with the southern Republic) and Republican (one who supports the Irish REPUBLICAN Army's violent campaign of reunification). But I'm a bit fuzzy on Unionist/Loyalist. They're not synonymous? In Canada, Loyalists are those who favored British rule in North America, and left the United States when it ended over a big hunk of it. Paisley is Loyalist or Unionist? The Orange Order? The paramilitary groups? The bulk of the Protestant majority who have never supported reunification with the south or even a political link? The flute bands?

By the way, the last mentioned are interesting to me, as they are an assault on the enemy with music. Kind of like the US Army blasting Noriega with Rock music, or Scottish bagpipers marching to the fray. Since MUDCAT is a music site, I'm trying to turn this BS thread into a music one! Dastardly,I am. Anyone have other good examples of music as a weapon?


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