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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Red and White Rabbit whitby folk week 2006 (275* d) RE: whitby folk week 2006 31 Jul 06

I waas asked at Saddleworth why I havent been on Mudcat for a long time - reading some of the input here I have just remembered!!

As someone who works everyday for Malcolm running workshops and really enjoys the fringe as well I feel a little upset by the negative comments here
In answer to the question about May's Whistle Workshops

The beginners session May and I run together - I take the children and those adults who need a really slow pace we usually manage to learn 2/3 simple tunes in the week one of which is often the same tune as May's beginners group
The beginners group May takes is is for beginners who have either never picked up a whistle or have dabbled a little bit but want to build their confidence - they tend to be musicians or older 'children' or interested adults who can cope with a little bit faster pace. 3 - 4 tunes in the week often jigs and reels with the occassional waltz. She hasnt sent me the tune list yet so I cant tell you what it is

Intermediate - tends to be the people of all ages who have played a bit of whistle and can cope with the basics but want to extend their repertoire a bit. Has even had some experienced whistlers who want to learn some new tunes. Some people come back year after year to the same class as they only ever whistle Whitby week oters only come for one session.

The whistle workshops are progressive and we perform in the showcase on Friday - a fact that is often omitted in the programme - I do take people into my group who are just their for the day due to the more simplistic tunes but unless you are a musician this can be difficult in the other groups. I hope this helps

Mrs Duck - hope the ducklings will enjoy the childrens clog with me in the afternoon and that they enjoyed my children's workshops at Saddleworth - if they decide to keep cloggin all week we will be performing on riday in the Spa - my little cloggers will be dragons this year - we do dress up and Wednesday afternoon we dont clog very much spending most of the time costume making

As for the Tap and Spile - I only started going in 5 years ago - I started just by popping in for the odd song and then doing the rounds of the other places for a sing. The front room is very small and so gets full very quickly. It usually takes a whole night to get round the room and to let everyone have the chance of a sing. I quickly learnt if you want to go you cant easily just pop in and out you have to be prepared to stay and wait your turn - not everyones cup of tea but the harmonies and music are fantastic. Not everyone likes Jude, Jim, Ken or Ray's style of running a singaround or having a laugh - the regulars that are there do know each other well and often have 'in jokes' but thats the same everywhere. Stick around and you soon catch on. Not everyone likes the attitude of the landlord an land lady who have controll of when it is 'full' due to fire regulations. I can honestly say when I started going in they were all very welcoming to me and now I go back whenever I can - children and working dont always make this possible but its certainly the most welcoming singaround I have been to and my children have always been encouraged to sing there and really look forward to going.

Moan over
I'll shut up now

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