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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Rustic Rebel BS: The Mother of all BS threads (59141* d) RE: BS: The Mother of all BS threads 12 Aug 06

Amos is right and has said it so often
The chit chat has won and bullshit in a coffin.
That doesn't mean that it can't be resurrected
Hell, it can float on water.

Amos has plead for more insanity,
He wanders this thread in hopes to see
All the little chit chat be rejected
Hell, BS can float on water.

Amos can see where it all may lead
To pointless chatter we all must read
But bullshit is strong and can rise from the dead
Hell, it can float on water.

So Amos hold tight,don't give up hope
Pot-bellied pigs, can climb up a rope
All is not lost, don't be disenchanted.
Hell, bullshit can float on water,
from a pond,
into a creek,
connect with a river,
on to the sea,
into your glass,
out with your pee,
Hell, bullshit can float on water.

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